The Youth, Peace and Security Network (formerly called the 2250 Network) was originally created to encourage Finland to prepare a national action plan for the resolution. The network later coordinated the participation of young people in the preparation of the action plan. Now, the network continues to work in close cooperation with the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the 2250 friend group in the Finnish Parliament in promoting the Youth, Peace and Security agenda both nationally and internationally.
The network is open to all individuals and organizations interested in the Youth, Peace and Security agenda. You can join either as yourself or as a representative of an organization that’s a member of the network.
The coordinators and facilitators of the Youth, Peace and Safety network are the Finnish National Youth Council Allianssi and UN Youth of Finland.
In 2024 the Chair of the Network is Paula Pättikangas (
Structure and administration
The network consists of various working groups:
Steering group leads the activities of the network and can, if necessary, represent the network and make decisions on its positions. The group is elected yearly.
Advocacy group coordinates the network’s advocacy work and is open to all network members. This includes, among other things, meetings with MPs and representatives of ministries, preparation of statements and other relevant advocacy work.
Communications group is responsible for the network’s communications and social media presence. This includes, among other things, presenting the Youth, Peace and Security agenda in different contexts, putting together information campaigns and communicating about the network’s activities.
The network receives many requests to tell us about our activities, Finland’s 2250 work and the process of drawing up the national action program. This is why we assembled a speaker pool which receives training to give presentations both nationally and internationally.
The network is not a registered association – its finances are managed by the Finnish National Youth Council Allianssi and UN Youth in Finland. Our Youth, Peace and Security related activities rely on project funding from the Finnish government. The volume of these activities is naturally dependent on the volume of funding.