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World’s first YPS National Action Plan is ready!

Finland’s – and the world’s – first National Action Plan to implement the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) has been published!

The document is available for download in English here: image of the book cover

The UN Security Council Resolution 2250 Youth, Peace and Security, adopted in 2015, recognises the positive and active role of youth in preventing and resolving conflicts, building peace, and preventing violent extremism. Member States must take the needs and perspectives of youth into consideration and encourage young people to take part in decision-making and all stages of peace processes.

Finland has prepared its first National Action Plan on the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution on Youth, Peace and Security in collaboration with active youth and representatives of youth organisations, central government, research institutes and civil society. Bringing together young people and civil society stakeholders, the 2250 Network of Finland has played an active role in the process.

The Action Plan specifies five priorities:

  • participation
  • prevention
  • partnerships
  • protection
  • disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration.

The goals and actions apply to Finland’s actions both at home and globally. The Action Plan will be implemented by different branches of government and civil society representatives. The implementation of the Action Plan will be followed by a monitoring group, which will submit a mid-term report and a final report to Parliament.

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